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I was born & raised in Nigeria but emigrated to the US to study. After a rewarding career in the oil & gas industry, I decided to heed the call to discover "The More" that I knew existed beneath all the norms & expectations of life.


The experiences gained from that journey led me to author the book  "Who Are You Really Anyway?" which became a model for an enlightened way of thinking about who one actually is beyond any assumed identity.


The principles laid out in the book spun out into teachings, meetups, seminars & workshops that offered new redefining perspectives about living a successful & fulfilled life.


ASCEND HIGHER, a wellbeing enlightened learning community, was born from this endeavor to reach for higher states of emotional intelligence & wellbeing with a firm focus on HEALING THE HEART with TRUTH.


About Harry


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2060 N W Loop, Suite 205, Houston, TX 77019

(903) 600-1931

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